作者:宝可梦小公子 | 分类: | 字数:27.4万
第142章 女性职场话题
Why Is It So Hard to Speak Up at Work?
By Ruchika Tulshyan
Sacha Thompson was excited to start a new job. The first few months were a “honeymoon,“ she said. Then the trouble started.
萨莎·汤普森(Sacha Thompson)十分激动能开始一份新工作。她说,前几个月犹如“蜜月”。然而很快,麻烦就来了。
Ms. Thompson heard from several peers that an executive who was sponsoring her program was also criticizing her performance. It was news to her. Because she hadn't received the feedback directly, she felt she couldn't go straight to the source to ask the executive how she should adjust her approach.
And when her first manager left the pany, a new one put her on probation without telling her.“I started shutting up, shutting down,“ she said.
More often than not, it's women who don't feel safe in their workplaces. Women are less likely than men to speak up without solid data or the conviction that they're definitely right about what they're going to say, so they'll hold back, Dr. Edmondson said. That's concerning.
多数情况下,在职场上缺乏安全感的都是女性。埃德蒙森博士(Dr. Edmondson)说,比起男性,女性更难直抒己见,如果没有确切数据支撑,或者无法百分百确信自己要说的话是对的,她们就会把想说的话憋回去。这样的情况令人担忧。
Even on the Supreme Court, female justices are interrupted at twice the rate of male justices, one study found.
“Many women want to contribute and we want to challenge the status quo,“ Ms. Thompson said,“but we can't if we've never felt included to begin with.“