

作者:宝可梦小公子 | 分类: | 字数:27.4万

生活所迫 被迫谋生

书名:小橘子的英语笔记 作者:宝可梦小公子 字数:794 更新时间:2025-03-27 09:11:58

第95章 生活所迫 被迫谋生

The truth is that as soon as we are no longer obliged to earn our living, we no longer know what to do with our life and recklessly squander it.

—Journals, 1889-1949, Essayist, André Gide





reckless adj.不顾后果的,鲁莽的,轻率的

squander v.浪费,挥霍(waste)


as soon as一旦……,就……

As soon as I see him, I will let you know.


be obliged to do被迫/觉得必须做……(to be forced to do something or feel that you must do something)

She feels obligated to be nice to her boss.


earn one's living赚钱养活自己

no longer不再

She no longer works here.



到达谬误(Arrival Fallacy):错误地以为,只要实现某个目标,就会长久地快乐下去(the false assumption that once you reach a goal, you will experience enduring happiness)