

作者:宝可梦小公子 | 分类: | 字数:27.4万

overlap 重叠

书名:小橘子的英语笔记 作者:宝可梦小公子 字数:1081 更新时间:2025-03-27 09:20:07

第49章 overlap 重叠

Groups like John's Campaign say the laws protecting the rights of care-home residents to have contact with family members—such as Article 8 of the Human Rights Act and clauses on deprivation of liberty in the Mental Capacity Act—are still being ignored. Politicians are getting behind the campaigners. On April 28th a group of MPs wrote to the Telegraph and called for an end to “all unlawful visiting restrictions“. An overlapping group has urged Mr Javid to create legislation that would guarantee a “legal right“ to receive visits and support. Organisations such as Mencap, Mind and the Alzheimer's Society have signalled their agreement.

article /'ɑ?t?k(?)l/ n.条款

clause /kl??z/ n.(法律文书的)条款

deprivation /depr?'ve??(?)n/ n.剥夺,丧失

MP (Member of Parliament)(英国)下院议员

unlawful /?n'l??f?l/ adj.非法的

overlap /??v?'l?p/ v.重叠,有共同之处

signal /'s?gn(?)l/ vt.表示


像“约翰运动”这样的团体说,保护护理院居民与家庭成员接触的权利的法律--如《人权法》第8条和《心智能力法》中关于剥夺自由的条款--仍然被忽视。政治家们正在支持这些运动者。一群国会议员在4月28号写信给《电讯报》,呼吁停止“所有非法的探视限制“。一个类似的团体敦促贾维德先生制定立法,以保证接受探视和支持的“合法权利“。Mencap、Mind和Alzheimer's Society等组织已经表示同意。